Weaning: Here’s Why a Vegetarian Diet is Ideal

When it comes to weaning your infant, a vegetarian diet has several benefits and provides all the essential nutrients to the child. A non-vegetarian diet can be introduced to the child after he/she is of one year of age. Parents usually adopt a vegetarian diet for their children as fruits and vegetables provide all the essential nutrients such as iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium, and protein as these nutrients are found mostly in vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are also easily digested by children in comparison to non-vegetarian foods.

Remember to always consult your doctor who will be the best judge to advise you on the nutritional needs of your baby when you wean him.

Vegetarian-diet when weaning your baby

  • When weaning your baby, start with 1-2 tbsp of fruits or veggies that have been pureed. You can gradually increase this quantity to 6-7 tbsps. 
  • Milk is the most important food for babies that are 5-6 months old. You can also add pear, apples, and baby rice with milk. 
  • When the baby is 7-9 months old, he can be fed pureed rice, cereals, and lentils. You can add these with breast milk or with mashed banana. 
  • When the baby is 10-12 months old, you need to keep a check on the sugar and salt levels. He can be given mashed potatoes, mashed peas, tofu, beans, cucumbers, carrots sticks, and breadsticks. 
  • Toddlers are super active. They are always running, jumping, and exploring so it is essential that all the important nutrients are included in his diet which should contain fresh fruits, rice, whole grain bread, and potatoes. To provide for his protein needs, feed him pulses and tofu. Protein is very essential for the development of the body cells so the toddler should be fed peas, lentils, groundnuts, and cereal grains.
  • Iron is also an essential requirement for the development of the brain and for the overall growth of the toddler. Include green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli in the toddler’s diet. 

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